The teen years are a time when you are forced to make big, far-reaching
choices that demand great deal of thoght. And one of the most important decisions
you will have to make is whether or not to become sexually involved. It is hard
to know how to make the right choise because you are bombarded by many messages from your parents, your
friends, your boyfriend/girlfriend, t.v. movies, and even from your own body.
And many of those signal may seem to say that sex is okay.
However the scary statistics on teen pregnancies, as well as health
risks such as sexually trasmitted diseases, and emotional risks, make it clear
that you need to get all the information you can to make the right choises.
Lost of teenagers become pregnant each year. And many of them are not
married when they become pregnant. There is always a possibility of pregnancy
with sexual intercourse. Many unmarried
couples do not use any method of birth control. And all birth control methods
have some level of failure. If pregnancy does occur, it can have serious
effects on the lives of the teenagers and those close to them.
Studies show that teenage mothers and fathers often drop out of school.
The demands of being a parent and the need os money make it difficult for them
to continue their education. Thus, they face a greater risk of unemployment.
Teen girls who marry becouse of prgnancy are three times more likely to
and up divorced than women who walt until their 20s to have children. Moreover
teenage parents are more likely to abouse their children than parents who are
Teenage pregnancy presents other problems as well. Babies boirn to
teenagers are more likely to be premature than are babies born to women in their twenties.
And premature babies are more likely to suffer from birth injuries and
children illnesses than are other babies.
Unfortunately, the problems of teen pregnacy are only the beginning of
the problems associated with sexual involvement: Sexually trasmitted diseases
(STDs) are another concer. Thaese diseases are a major health problem.There is
not way to be sure whether a person does or doesn´t have a sexuallytrasmitted
disease without medical tests.
Originally thoght to be a disease connected wiht homosexual men or drug
addicts, AIDS has now been foud in heterosexual men and womwen and the number
of reported cases in the world is rising alarmingly it´s a fatal disease, and
as yet, there is not cure. But since it´s most often contractend though sexual
cantact, it can be prevented.
Herpes is one os the most serious STDs. At the present time there is no
cure; control is the best that can be hoped for. Herpes is coused by a virus
that may erupt frequently, but never leaves the body. The potential deangers of
this disease include cervical cancer in women, or death or danage to an
infantit during the birthing process.
syphilis and gonorrehea are caused by a bacterial infection. They are treatable with amtibiotics if caught
early enough, but are very dangerous. Left untreared, both of these diseases
can cause serious, life- threaening conditions, as well as infertility.
sexual intercourse without marriage can lead to strong feelings such as
guilt, anxiety or fear.
The feelings of guilt come when the person feels he or she has violanted his or
her own values or the values of others whose opinions are important, such as
Many teens suffer serious long-term depression due todecisions they had to make
because of pregnancy. Other teens suffer from anxiety that that stems from fear
of getting pregnant or contracting STDs.
Other feelings involve the emotions that arise when a relationship is seriously
affected by having sex. After sexual intercourse, some relationships change for
the worse and even may end. There can be feelings of intense disillusionment
and betrayal as well.
the choice about whether or not to become sexually involved is not as difficult
as it seems. You need to develop your own sexual responsibility. A sexually
responsible person is one whose sexual behavior is consistent whith his or her
own ideas of what is right. A sexually responsible person acts out of both
self- respect and respect for other people. Such a person considers his or her
own feelings and needs. The person also considers and tries to understand the
feelings and needs of others. A sexually responsible person behaves in positive
and constructive ways not in ways that exploit and hurt.
Sexually transmitted diseases are very common. But we can protect
ourselves and our partners of STDs such as chancroid. An important step towards
this is to learn more about the chancre.
Here are some of the most common questions that people ask about the
chancre. We hope that the answers will be useful if you think you have canker,
if you have been diagnosed with this disease or simply feel curiosidad.Un
chancre (Latin cancer, crab) is a painless primary lesion of syphilis, which
appears in place entry of infection. It appears as a small papule or erosion,
and becomes a rounded or oval, firm and slightly elevated lesion with an eroded
surface that ejects a serous fluid and results in a painless and without
fluctuation strong regional lymphadenopathy (bubo) curing without leaving
The term describes lymphadenopathy swelling of the lymph nodes - bean-shaped
organs found in the underarm, groin, neck, chest and abdomen, that act as
filters for the lymph fluid as it circulates through the body. Lymphadenopathy
can occur in one region of the body such as the neck, or can be generalized,
ie, the size of the lymph nodes in various regions increases. The cervical
lymph nodes found in the neck are the most common site of lymphadenopathy.
is also known as the painless chancre lesion caused by biting flies of the
genus Glossina called Tsetse fly, which is vector of African trypanosomiasis or
sleeping sickness.
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